Wednesday, December 16, 2015

White Christmas

Thank you everybody once again, I can not say that enough. Thank you el nino for the brown Christmas. This painting is actually from Nov. 21, in my hometown. My good friend Greg(the railroad conductor) and I spent many hours by the old Soo Line depot in Waukesha. It's a couple blocks from where I grew up. I like the link between railroads and history and painting landscapes. Like barns I am drawn to old buildings, local materials and well, things that are beautiful. Merry Christmas and everything else.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Noah in its entirety. You can get a print from Calvary Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee for $30.There were only 100 made. All the proceeds go to the church. I was married there and want the church to get a new roof. I am blessed to have them in my life.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Painting Unveiling

Something a little different. Katie and I have been working on this painting of Noah and the Ark for the last two years, in between things. The painting will be unveiled at Calvary Presbyterian Church in Milwaukee on Nov. 22. The church is where we got married and is on 10th and Wisconsin. Their website is Bigredchurch.com The public can come and talk with us between 2-4PM that Sunday. This is our first major collaboration together and we are excited. The painting is 4x6ft. It is a real deal painting. I have never done an Olde School historical painting before and it was a challange but a lot of fun. It was nice to be able to paint new things as a painter. Now that it is done I feel pretty empowered.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Back at it

 Happy Halloween.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thank you

I just wanted to thank everybody for supporting me. This has been my most successful year, but that really isn't why I am writing a note of thanks. I am more just overwhelmed by how much people tell me they like my work. Or save up for it. Or end a trip early to come see me. All those things. It is weird to have people emotionally respond to what you do. If I sat here and thought about all those things it would be too much for me. I appreciate it very much, it gives me confidence and makes me believe I am on the right path with my life. I just want to keep on that path doing what I am doing, growing and staying true. But I really just wanted to say thank you, I can not believe sometimes that this is my life. Also a September painting near Ellsworth WI.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Large Paintings

 Both are large paintings. The high horizon near where I live and the other across the river near Waukon, Iowa.

Monday, March 2, 2015

It is still Winter in Iowa too apparently

Sometimes I like finding random things. Okay, usually I like finding random things. I am lucky when I am in the mood to go with it. Why is there an old passenger car and caboose in this field? Who knows. And I like, when I am able to let myself go enough, even if things are still very detailed, when the painting becomes random and abstract.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Feb 23. Hit the 30 days below zero at my house this winter mark today. Still have been painting.Does it look cold?