Wednesday, December 13, 2023

More New Work

 Trying to live a balanced life, exercise and paint up a storm. Wish me luck. More new available work that is on my available work page. I will be pumping this more now that we are representing ourselves.

Last week we cleaned out the lower level of our granary, which is now my new favorite place in the world. On schedule for having it open in the spring.

This painting is from a series I am doin from a recent trip to central Illinois.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Back In Business

Professionally I had a wonderful year and am incredibly grateful to all the people that helped my get along, including Theodore Hamm's. That said, I am glad it's coming to an end. I have a frozen shoulder but its getting better. I am painting again at my own pace, and the thing is healing up. On my available works page old and new work is posted and more will be coming soon. We are excited to open up our gallery in the spring after it gets cleaned out. Right now painting is helping me grieve and process. I won't say how many shows I will be doing next year, all I know is I am happy to paint at my own pace without a gallery yelling at me, without a deadline or any commitments. Instead of just getting though something, I feel momentum finally building again. Feels good. I don't feel much pressure to do anything other than be myself and work at my own pace with an acceptance of the consequences of my life decisions. In some weird ways I think I am more dialed in and better than ever. Without knowing what comes next, I certainly am comfortably enthused.