The crooked house I painted came down. The barn in the painting with the road supposedly got demolished on June 6. A factory farm bought em out. This makes me so sad and angry. People are under this notion that they are smarter and all this technology is helping us. How could that possibly be true when these beautiful small family farms keep getting destroyed. I see so many people that walk around in a bubble on their phone that are completely oblivious to the world around them. That don't support local agriculture and businesses. Supporting local initiatives is not that difficult and anybody that doesn't do this is guilty for all the bad shit going down in this country right now. It is frustrating from my end because I try so hard to live a purposeful life and all day long at art fairs I see nothing but dopes on their phones. People ask me why I don't have a phone. Maybe I don't like being connected to dopes all the time. Maybe when you are diffierent from most people and the dominant culture, you like having room to breathe and think. People need to be conscience of their time and place around them.
Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I get misanthropic towards the stupid, which our culture encourages. I will not live this way.
I want to know where my food comes from. I want to know what plants and animals surround me. I want to take time to support the people in my life in a meaningful way. I try to have a rich meaningful life.
Hard to do any of those things on a computer. Not very many things that are digital have meaning. Old hand made buildings have a warm feeling and a presence. Miles of corn fields and steel sheds have a presence of death and industry. This isn't that hard to see is it?
The other painting is a storm over my great grandfathers barn in Buena Vista township. It brought such joy to see that.